Monday, 30 March 2015

First Lady Foils Age Limit Plot

Ministers Najjemba, Bakkabulindi, Banyenzaki want no limits
After months of denying that the president's age-limit in the constitution was one of the items being considered for amendment, the issue came up for debate during a cabinet meeting on March 20, The Observer can reveal.
Early this month, President Museveni's cabinet began considering the proposed constitutional amendments and electoral reforms, which are due to be tabled in parliament. After Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire, the minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, had presented the proposals, a cabinet sub-committee comprising all lawyers in cabinet was tasked to scrutinize and enhance the minister's proposals.
The sub-committee's report, however, stirred a heated debate during last week's cabinet meeting. The bone of contention was the inclusion of the proposal for the removal of the presidential age limit.
Reliable sources have told The Observer that the cabinet meeting that sat at State House in Entebbe shortly after President Museveni swore-in newly-appointed ministers was sharply divided on the proposal.
A number of junior ministers, according to these sources, supported the removal of the age limit while a disgusted First Lady, Janet Museveni, shot it down. The controversial clause seeks to amend Article 102(b), which caps the maximum age for one to be elected president at 75. Read more

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